Jacob Helms, E.I.

President Elect/Treasurer
Gary Ratliff, E.I., P.E.


Paul Lucia III, P.E.

Events and activities:

​​Interested in getting involved with the Southern Idaho Section Younger Member Forum? To find out more information about upcoming YMF events and activities contact YMF Vice President Gary Ratliff at

Welcome to the Southern Idaho Section Younger Member Forum homepage!

The YMF provides a stepping stone for college students, recent graduates, and young engineers (typically under 35) to engage the civil engineering community in the southern Idaho area through leadership, training, social, and professional networking opportunities. Some of the activities you will find us participating in include happy hour socials, technical tours, sporting events, webinars, volunteering, student outreach, and more. Everyone is welcome at our events. Check out the YMF Event Calendar and follow us on Facebook to see what events are coming up and get involved today! 

About us

Younger Member Forum

Vice President
Paul Consalvo, E.I.