Daniel Ciani, P.E.
Topic: TBD
Presentation By: Liz Smith, P.E., G.E., D.GE, M.ASCE
Location: TBD
Date: March 2021
Time: TBD
The Southern Idaho Section currently has 1 active institute.
Want to start an ASCE Institute in Southern Idaho?
Please contact Michelle McDonald @
The main goal of the Southern Idaho Geo-Institute (SIGI) chapter is to bring the geotechnical engineering community in the valley together and provide a venue for exchange of knowledge and experience. The chapter membership includes professionals from both private and government sector along with faculty and students from Boise State University. The chapter has three to four meetings a year where technical talks are delivered and networking opportunities are available.
Contact Info:
Chaz Woo - Vice Chair - cwoo@geoengineers.com
Jacob Schlador - Secretary - Jacob.schlador@oneatlas.com