As per IDAPA 10.01.04, all Idaho licensed professional engineers and land surveyors are required to obtain 30 Professional Development Hours (PDH) during the renewal biennium (or alternatively during the two calendar years nearest the renewal biennium). Attending ASCE Southern Idaho Section meetings may serve as PDH. Consult

for guidance. To assist engineers with record keeping requirements associated with using their attendance of ASCE Southern Idaho Section meetings as PDH, all sign-in rosters are being made available for download in .pdf format. To download a sign-in roster click on the link below that corresponds with the date of the meeting attended. This will open the roster in a new window and allow you to save it to your computer.

The PDH value shown on the rosters is subject to the Idaho Board of Licensure approval.

The PDH hour value shown on the rosters = 1 hour of event duration.


Not seeing a date for a meeting you attended? Contact us and we will do our best to find the meeting roster. It may have been archived to save space on this page.​​

Meeting rosters